Brooklyn Sex Crime Lawyer

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Brooklyn Sex Crime Attorney

In New York, sex crimes cover a range of offenses. Most of the time, they encompass non-consensual sexual criminal behaviors that violate state laws. These types of crimes are taken seriously and come with significant penalties if convicted. If you’ve been charged with a sex crime, a Brooklyn sex crime lawyer at Greco Neyland, PC, can help. Our team is fluent in both English and Spanish to help you with your needs.

Brooklyn Sex Crime Lawyer

Why Choose Us?

At Greco Neyland, PC, we understand the gravity of being charged with a sex crime. We know that it is a serious offense that can place an emotional weight on those who are accused. We know this can be a delicate issue, so we handle each case with care. We are thorough in our investigation, paying attention to every detail surrounding the accusations.

We strive to share every honest detail regarding your case with you. We can help prepare a tailor-made defense for you in your unique circumstances. We can fight for your rights and advocate for you to have the greatest possible outcome in your case.

What Is a Sex Crime?

A sex crime is a sexual offense, typically non-consensual, that one person imposes on another. A sex crime can take many forms and can range in severity from a minor misdemeanor to a serious felony. The classification depends on the severity of the crime, the damage caused, and the age of the victim, especially if the victim was not of an age of consent.

In New York, the penalties for sex crimes are serious. The laws for sex crimes are complex and can often change over time.

Types of Sex Crimes

Sex crimes cover an array of offenses. Some of these include:

  • Rape: Rape is defined as having sexual intercourse with someone without their consent. Oftentimes, this is through force. The laws and level of penalty depend on the amount of force used, the age or consent ability of the victim, and the relationship between the two parties.
  • Sexual assault: Sexual assault is broader than rape. It can include any unwanted physical touching or other non-consensual sexual acts that are not necessarily intercourse.
  • Sex trafficking: This includes the movement, kidnapping, or transporting of a person for the purpose of using sex as a commercial act where force or dishonesty is used.
  • Child sexual abuse: This includes sexual acts with a child, such as molestation or exploitation.

Penalties for Sex Crimes

In New York, penalties for sex crimes vary based on the type of offense, the level of force or violence used, the age of the victim, and other factors surrounding the case. Crimes are ranked based on severity, with one being the highest and four being the lowest. If there are aggravating factors present, this increases the severity level. Some typical aggravating factors include:

  • The victim is under the age of eleven
  • The victim being physically incapacitated
  • The perpetrator using force

The lowest level offense a person can receive for a sex crime is a Class A misdemeanor, which results in up to one year in jail. Forcible touching and low-level sexual misconduct can fall into this category. Second or third-degree crimes also result in misdemeanors and can carry a penalty of jail time of up to three years. Lower-level sexual abuse crimes can fall into this category.

When crimes become more serious, they become classified as felonies. Examples of these include rape and aggravated sexual abuse, which range in classification depending on the circumstances surrounding the case.

  • Class B felonies carry a penalty of 5-25 years in prison.
  • Class C felonies carry a penalty of 3.5-15 years in prison.
  • Class D felonies carry a penalty of 2-7 years in prison.
  • Class E felonies carry a penalty of 1.5-4 years in prison.

While most felonies result in prison time, lower-level offenses may be allowed to have probation. However, a sex offender’s probation will typically be longer and have stiffer requirements in order to complete their probation.

In addition, offenders may receive enhanced penalties under certain circumstances, including if they are repeat offenders or if the acts were predatory, such as if the crime involved using a weapon or if the act caused serious injury to the victim.


Q: What Is a Sex Crime Investigator?

A: A sex crime investigator is a law enforcement officer who investigates sex crimes. Their job is typically to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and build a case against the suspect. Sex crime investigators work with prosecutors to conduct a thorough investigation into the sex crime allegations and to bring proper justice.

Q: What Are the Rules for Sex Offenders in New York State?

A: In New York state, sex offenders are subject to a strict set of rules. These include being required to register in the state sex offender registry database. By law, law enforcement officials are also allowed to alert the community of the presence of sex offenders in the area. Sex offenders may also face restrictions on residency (such as prohibiting them from living within a certain distance of a school) and probation/parole requirements.

Q: How Do I Get Off the Sex Offender Registry in New York?

A: In New York, there are certain requirements a person must meet in order to get off the sex offender registry. Most crimes are not eligible for removal. However, under certain circumstances, a reduction is possible. Generally speaking, your case will be reviewed to determine eligibility, you will file a petition for relief with the court, the court will review it, and then they will make a decision on whether to grant it or not.

Q: Is There a Statute Of Limitations On Sex Crimes in New York?

A: The statute of limitations on sex crimes in Brooklyn and throughout New York varies based on the type of crime that occurred and the age of the victim when the offense happened. Generally speaking, after a new law implemented in 2019, adult victims aged 18 and older have 20 years to take action for any crime that occurred after 2019.

Contact Greco Neyland, PC Today

If you have been accused of a sex crime, don’t wait to act. Navigating your criminal case alone can be overwhelming and unwise. Our qualified lawyers can defend you and advocate for your rights. Contact Greco Neyland, PC, today to speak with one of our representatives in English or Spanish.

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