Bronx Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Bronx Criminal Defense Attorney

Being charged with a crime can be one of the most frightening, life-changing events in a person’s life. If you or a member of your family is being investigated for a crime in the Bronx, you need a good criminal defense attorney. A Bronx criminal defense lawyer from the Greco Neyland, PC, team could be the zealous advocate you need to protect your rights and your future.

Best Bronx Criminal Defense Lawyer

Greco Neyland, PC: Your Bronx Criminal Defense Lawyers

We are fully aware of the heavy nature of the charges against you. Our commitment as your team is to vigorously defend you against these allegations.

At any given time, there may be a multitude of criminal laws under consideration in the legislature. When or if one of these becomes law, your case could be affected by new mandates, statutes, and penalties. You need a defense attorney who keeps up to date on these matters.

Our team knows the laws and how to interpret them. With our English- and Spanish-speaking team on your side, we can identify all the relevant laws and judge their applicability to your individual case.

Understanding the Criminal Justice System in the Bronx

The criminal justice system in the Bronx can be overwhelming. To understand how the system works, focus on the following components:

Arrest and Charges

When arrested, offenders are placed in custody and read their rights. An arrest might stem from an investigation, an arrest warrant, or a crime committed in the presence of law enforcement.

Following the arrest, law enforcement turns over the evidence to the prosecutor, who decides whether to file formal charges. These charges can range from misdemeanors to major felonies, depending on the alleged crime.


This is the first court hearing. A judge advises the defendant formally of the charges and asks the defendant to enter a plea of guilty, not guilty, or no contest. The judge may also set bail and the conditions of release, or they may hold the defendant in custody.

Pre-Trial Motions and Hearings

The first step of this process is discovery. Both the defense and prosecution exchange the evidence and information they’ve collected related to the case. Based on the results of the discovery phase, pretrial motions may occur. These are requests to exclude evidence or dismiss charges, among other potential actions.


The jury is selected to hear the case and decide whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty. Both sides present their evidence, call witnesses, and make arguments. A verdict is then decided. If guilty, the judge will sentence the defendant.

Key Areas of Criminal Defense

The skilled and seasoned attorneys at Greco Neyland, PC, can defend their clients against a wide range of offenses:

Drug Crimes

These are serious charges punishable by jail time, a large fine, and a criminal record. Our office defends clients accused of offenses relating to the possession, distribution, trafficking, or manufacturing of weaker drugs, such as marijuana or harsher drugs. Our defense strategies may involve attacking the legality of the search and seizure with respect to the Fourth Amendment and challenging the integrity of the evidence.

White-Collar Crimes

White-collar crimes include fraud, embezzlement, insider trading, and misuse of money. These cases can be complicated, and your success requires an attorney with knowledge of both criminal law and financial regulations. Our attorneys at Greco Neyland, PC, can scrutinize complicated financial transactions to construct a thorough defense.

Assault/Violent Crimes

Whether the charges involve robbery, domestic violence, gun crimes or any other offense that includes violence, the penalties can be quite severe, with some resulting in many years in prison. To defend against a charge of this nature requires a well-coordinated effort. We work with our clients to develop an effective strategy, which can include self-defense, intent or lack thereof, or mistaken identity. We gather evidence, interview witnesses, and collaborate with forensic experts to support our case.

Theft and Property Crimes

Theft and property crimes range from petty theft to grand larceny to burglary to breaking and entering. These crimes are punished according to the value of the property taken and the manner in which the crime was committed. The defense strategies can focus on proving a lack of intent, demonstrating a lack of evidence, or negotiating a plea bargain to reduce charges or sentences.

Domestic Violence

In New York, the authorities take domestic violence charges especially seriously. Restraining orders, loss of child custody, and jail time are all real consequences that may be imposed if you are arrested and charged with domestic violence. We can attack the credibility of the allegations and do everything we can to protect our defendants’ rights and reputations.

Defense Strategies in Criminal Cases

At Greco Neyland, PC, we prepare strong, unique defenses for our clients because we understand that every case is different. Some of the key ways that we can build a strong defense for you are:

Challenging the Evidence

One of the primary avenues of defense is to attack the prosecution’s evidence. We do this by inquiring about how evidence was obtained, and then we question its legality. If we find that the evidence was obtained illegally, such as through an illegal search or seizure, we can move to have that evidence suppressed. Additionally, we evaluate the credibility of the prosecution witnesses and the consistency of their statements.

Proving Lack of Intent

In many criminal offenses, an important element that the prosecution must prove is the accused’s intent to do what they did. We work with evidence to show that the accused didn’t have that intent or was not in the state of mind to have said intent.


In cases where a violent act is committed, self-defense or justification can serve as a powerful defense. We can try to establish that the defendant’s act was prompted by an impending threat and that their reaction was proportionate to that threat. Potentially helpful in this endeavor are witness accounts, surveillance footage, and other compelling evidence.

Insufficient Evidence

The prosecution’s case can be weak due to a lack of relevant, probable, and credible evidence. We evaluate each piece of evidence to pinpoint inconsistencies, contradictions, and other weaknesses that we can use to show how the jurors could have reasonable doubts about the prosecution’s case. If they don’t have sufficient evidence to prove each element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt, we can move for acquittal or dismissal.


An alibi defense consists of proving that the defendant wasn’t at the place where the criminal act took place at the time when the prosecution alleges that it occurred. The defense must present some kind of admissible, credible evidence, such as:

  • Witness testimony
  • Time-stamped receipts
  • Bank statements
  • Phone records
  • Surveillance footage

Plea Bargains

When a trial might not be the appropriate course, we can negotiate with the prosecutor over a plea bargain, which can nudge down charges or produce lighter sentences in exchange for guilty pleas to lesser offenses.

Post-Conviction Relief and Appeals

Even after a conviction, there are still legal options available to seek if you feel that justice was not served. Post-conviction relief and appeals are important parts of the criminal defense process, as they offer a second chance to challenge the unfair outcome of your case.

Appeals Process

An appeal is a request to a higher court to review the decision of the lower court. Appeals may be based on an error of law, the conduct of a juror, or new evidence that would change the outcome of the case. The appellate process is very complex and requires a keen understanding of appellate law. At Greco Neyland, PC, we carefully examine trial transcripts, identify appealable issues, and develop persuasive strategies.

Post-Conviction Motions

Our team can review an offender’s case for post-conviction motions, stating claims that they might have been wrongfully convicted by the ineffective assistance of their previous counsel, violations of constitutional rights, or new evidence since the trial. We can pursue any legal or procedural errors made in the original trial and seek arguments for relief.

Sentence Reduction and Clemency

In some instances, we pursue a sentence reduction by petitioning the appropriate authority (ex., the district attorney or a parole board member) to reduce the severity of the sentence.

In other cases, we reach out to the governor to grant clemency and commute the sentence. Clemency is an act of mercy, performed by the governor or the president, that can be considered for individuals who no longer deserve a lengthy or even any term of confinement, based on rehabilitation and good behavior.


Q: How Much Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Cost in NYC?

A: Fees for a criminal defense lawyer in New York City can vary dramatically, from several hundred to several thousand dollars per hour, depending on the case’s complexity, the lawyer’s experience, and the circumstances surrounding the charges. In your initial consultation, be sure to discuss fees, fee structure, and payment arrangements.

Q: Why Do Defense Attorneys Drag Out Cases?

A: Sometimes, defense attorneys might want to prolong the case for the benefit of the client. In fact, there are several valid reasons for doing so. They may be taking the time to build a stronger case by acquiring more evidence and tracking down witnesses. In other cases, it simply takes a long time to negotiate a plea bargain that is favorable for their client.

Q: What If a Defense Lawyer Knows That Their Client Is Guilty?

A: If a defense lawyer knows that their client is guilty, they are still ethically obligated to provide a strong defense. Their foremost responsibility is to ensure that the client’s legal rights are safeguarded and that they receive a fair trial. This often involves challenging the prosecution’s evidence and arguing for a just outcome consistent within the confines of the state law. Lawyers cannot present false evidence or knowingly allow their client to commit perjury.

Q: What Is a Reasonable Response Time for a Lawyer?

A: A ‘reasonable’ response time can differ depending on the nature of the case and a lawyer’s caseload. More urgent inquiries should expect a response more quickly to keep matters moving forward. Expectations regarding response time should be clearly communicated during the initial consultation. It should also be made clear to the client how and when they can expect to hear back from their attorney.

Contact a Bronx Criminal Defense Lawyer

Facing criminal charges is serious, but having a knowledgeable and dedicated defense team can make a significant difference. We are committed to providing well-thought-out legal representation, from thorough investigations and effective plea bargaining to strong courtroom defense and post-conviction relief.

If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges in the Bronx, contact Greco Neyland, PC, today for a consultation, and let us help you navigate the path to justice. We are also fluent in Spanish and available to provide service today.

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