Rockland County Gun Crime Lawyer

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Rockland County Gun Crime Attorney

New York State is known for having some of the strictest gun laws in the United States. In New York City, gun crimes are among the most heavily penalized offenses, often leading to lifelong repercussions. The New York County District Attorney’s office is determined to vigorously pursue prosecution in weapons cases, making it very important to hire a seasoned Rockland County gun crime lawyer to protect your rights and future.

Best Rockland County Gun Crime Lawyer

Greco Neyland, PC: Your Rockland County Gun Crime Lawyers

Greco Neyland, PC, provides robust defense for clients facing firearms or weapons charges (both state and federal) across Rockland County and the surrounding areas. Partners Jeffery L. Greco, Dustan O. Neyland, and Eli Crozier are all former prosecutors who know how to build a strong defense thanks to their knowledge of prosecution strategies commonly used in these types of cases. Our staff is fluent in Spanish and ready to assist you immediately.

Whether your alleged offense is carrying a firearm without the necessary permit or possession of a gun with the intent to use or fire it, we are prepared to represent you in whatever gun crime has been alleged against you. Our team can build a defense strategy to support you and strengthen your case.

Overview of New York Gun Laws

Gun laws in New York State are among the toughest in the country. New York State residents (as well as anyone hoping to carry a weapon in the state) need to be serious about complying with the state’s gun laws and understand how these gun charges may affect them.

Being caught with a weapon illegally in New York City is a serious issue that can result in jail, fines, or both. In New York City, you are only legally allowed to own a firearm if you have a license or permit to do so. Violations include carrying an unlicensed loaded firearm or a concealed firearm, loaded or not. Individuals are also barred from possessing a loaded firearm in parks, on beaches, in theaters, or any other public place. Furthermore, it is illegal to carry or possess certain types of assault weapons.

Anyone convicted of illegal weapon possession faces significant prison time, substantial fines, and a permanent criminal record. Key aspects of New York’s gun laws include:

  • Licensing Requirements: All handguns must be licensed, and obtaining a license is a rigorous process.
  • Assault Weapons Ban: New York bans specific types of assault weapons.
  • SAFE Act: The New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act imposes additional restrictions on gun ownership and purchases.

Understanding these laws is essential for anyone living in or visiting New York to avoid severe legal repercussions.

Types of Gun Charges in New York

Gun charges in New York are broad. Some of the most commonly charged gun crimes include:

  • Criminal Possession of a Weapon: This can be either a misdemeanor or a felony. The exact charge depends on the type of firearm, whether the person has a criminal record and the circumstances of the possession. For example, possession of a loaded firearm anywhere outside your home or place of business without a license is a felony.
  • Criminal Use of a Firearm: Having a firearm while committing a crime enhances the punishment. For example, a robber who pulls a gun on their victim gets stricter sentencing.
  • Unlawful Sale and Distribution: This includes possession of firearms with the intent to distribute, unlicensed sale of firearms, and distribution of firearms not connected to a sanctioned source. These violations can result in substantial time in prison and fines.
  • Possession of a Firearm on School Grounds: New York law prohibits the possession of firearms on school property.
  • Assault Weapons and Large-Capacity Ammunition-Feeding Devices: It is against New York state law to possess certain types of assault weapons or large‑capacity ammunition-feeding devices.

It is important for anyone charged with a crime involving a gun in New York to understand the nuances of each type of gun charge. If you are charged with a firearm offense, hire a Rockland County criminal defense attorney who can help navigate the related laws and fight the charges.

Comprehensive Defense Strategies for Gun Charges

We meticulously examine the facts and circumstances surrounding your arrest and the investigation. We dive deep into how exactly the evidence was handled and aim to identify any violations of your rights. Based on these findings, we develop a unique defense strategy that is designed to challenge and defeat the prosecution’s case. This comprehensive approach ensures that every aspect of your case is considered so that your rights are protected.


Q: How Much Time Do You Get for a Gun Charge in NY?

A: The time you get for a gun charge in New York can vary based on the specific crime committed. Gun charges range from misdemeanors to felonies and are punished accordingly. Factors such as whether you have a former criminal record, if the gun was used in the course of committing another crime, and the type of gun used all have a role in sentencing.

Q: Can You Get Probation for a Gun Charge in New York?

A: Yes, probation is possible for certain gun charges in New York, mainly for first-time offenders or those with less severe offenses. More serious felony charges carry mandatory minimum prison sentences, so probation is unlikely in those cases. The details of the case, including the defendant’s criminal history and the circumstances of the offense, have a crucial role in determining eligibility for probation.

Q: Can a Felon Get Gun Rights Back in New York?

A: In New York, felons can seek to have their gun rights restored through a Certificate of Relief From Disabilities or a Certificate of Good Conduct. These certificates remove the firearms ban designated by the felony conviction and require the applicant to prove that they’ve been rehabilitated. Often, a period of time must pass after one’s sentence is served before they can apply. However, there is no guarantee that the applications will be successful.

Q: What Disqualifies You From Owning a Gun in New York?

A: Felony convictions, some misdemeanor convictions (including misdemeanor assault convictions for domestic violence), mental illness, substance abuse, and protection orders are all reasons why an individual in New York may not be able to own or carry a gun. People under the age of 21, undocumented immigrants, and those who have been dishonorably discharged from the military are also prohibited from carrying or owning a gun.

Contact a Rockland County Gun Crime Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one have been charged with a gun crime in Rockland County, you should seek immediate legal guidance from a qualified gun crime attorney from Greco Neyland, PC. We can protect and defend you as you navigate the legal process. Our team can seek a favorable outcome on your behalf. We can assist you in Spanish if needed. Contact us today for a consultation.

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