Manhattan DWI Lawyer

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Manhattan DWI Attorney

The decision to drive while intoxicated (DWI) is one that can haunt you for the rest of your life. A conviction can result in you having a criminal record, which can then impact different parts of your life you may never have considered. A DWI can hurt your employment opportunities, negatively affect your social standing, and even fracture your personal relationships. If you find yourself charged with a DWI, reach out to a Manhattan DWI lawyer who can help your case.

Dwi Lawyer In Manhattan

Getting a DWI in Manhattan

Every state in the country takes DWI violations seriously, with New York being one of the strictest states for such violations. The chances of receiving harsh penalties for your DWI conviction, regardless of whether or not it is a first offense, are high in New York. Courts often make examples out of certain offenders as a way to deter others from engaging in similar courses of action. An experienced Abogado de defensa criminal de Manhattan may be your only hope for victory.

Ley del Estado de Nueva York declares that anyone who is pulled over for a suspected DWI and found to have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher will be considered a drunk driver. At that point, you will likely be arrested and charged with a DWI. When you are arrested, don’t think that’s the end of the road for you. It’s really the beginning of your fight against the charges. Don’t be afraid to exercise your constitutional right to legal counsel and to remain silent.

Upon your arrest for a DWI, you don’t have to say a word to the police if you do not want to. In many cases, your admission of guilt may be the only evidence the prosecution will really have. Don’t let the police try to guilt or intimidate you into admitting anything. Simply request to speak with your lawyer, then let them do the talking for you. Remember that you are always innocent until proven guilty.

Potential Defenses Against a DWI

Many may think that an arrest for a DWI is the end of your case. You may feel defeated, broken, regretful, and even scared. That’s understandable. However, an arrest is hardly the end of your case in Manhattan. Though you may feel like you’ve already lost, a good defense lawyer can help you fight your charges with a strong defense strategy. There may be many different ways you can challenge the prosecution.

Here are some of the potential defenses your lawyer may use:

  • Alcoholímetro inexacto: While breathalyzer tests can sometimes be reliable in the field when it comes to testing someone’s BAC levels, those tests are not infallible. If the tests themselves are improperly stored or the test is administered incorrectly, it can result in an inaccurate result that could make you appear drunk. Your lawyer may be able to argue against the reliability of these tests.
  • Field Sobriety Tests: Much like the breathalyzer results, if a field sobriety test is not administered correctly, the results can negatively impact your case. If a police officer does not know what they’re doing when it comes to the test, it can result in an inaccuracy. These results can seriously hurt your case. Your lawyer may be able to argue against the arresting officer’s competency when it comes to field sobriety tests.
  • Causa probable: Legally, police officers must have probable cause that a crime is being committed before they can even pull you over in the first place. A hunch that you’re up to no good is not enough in the eyes of the court. If your lawyer can prove that they never had probable cause to pull you over and search your vehicle, that could be enough to dismiss the charges against you entirely.

Manhattan DWI Law FAQs

Q: How Much Is Bail for a DWI in New York?

A: The amount you may be required to pay for bail for a DWI in New York will be entirely dependent on the exact charge against you, your past criminal record, and the circumstances of your arrest. The higher the charges against you, the more the bail is going to cost. It ultimately depends on the details and circumstances of your case.

Q: Can a DWI Be Reduced in New York?

A: Yes, a DWI charge could be reduced to a lesser charge in New York. Depending on the details of your case and whether or not there were aggravating factors, a reduction could be possible. This is usually done through a plea bargain, in which you agree to plead guilty to a lesser charge, such as reckless driving, in order to avoid a DWI charge.

Q: What Is the Ideal Scenario for a DWI?

A: The ideal scenario for a DWI charge would be having all of the charges dismissed entirely or having your penalties reduced to community service or probation. Ideally, you want to avoid prison time or a hefty fine, though this may not always be possible. It depends entirely on the details of your case and whether or not the prosecution has enough evidence against you to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Q: How Long Does a DWI Stay on Your Record in New York?

A: In New York, a DWI stays on your driving record for at least 15 years from the date of your initial conviction. However, a DWI conviction stays on your criminal record permanently, regardless of whether or not it is a misdemeanor or a felony. While you can’t have your DWI conviction expunged from your record, you may be able to get it sealed by the court, so long as your conviction meets certain criteria.

Contact a Lawyer Today

En Greco Neyland, PC, our legal team can help you figure out a defense strategy to fight the DWI charges being made against you. We can help you build up your case and ensure your legal rights are protected. Póngase en contacto con nosotros to speak with a team member about a possible consultation. Our legal team is ready to help you.

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