Brooklyn DWI Lawyer

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Brooklyn DWI Attorney

Dwi Lawyer In Brooklyn

When you choose to drive while intoxicated (DWI), you are potentially causing severe, irreparable damage to your entire life. If you are pulled over, arrested, and convicted of a DWI, you will have a criminal record, and that can impact every aspect of your life. It can cause you to lose job opportunities, affect your social standing, and even harm your personal relationships. If you are charged, you should enlist the help of a Brooklyn DWI lawyer.

Getting a DWI in Brooklyn

DWI violations are taken very seriously in New York, as the state has some of the strictest drunk driving laws in the country. There is a strong chance that you could receive a harsh penalty for your DWI conviction, as the courts often push to make an example out of first-time offenders and repeat offenders alike as a way to discourage others from engaging in similar behavior. If you are arrested, your first call should be to a Brooklyn abogado de defensa criminal who can help.

According to the state of New York’s DWI statutes, if you are pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving and found to have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, you will be considered too drunk to drive, and you will be arrested for a DWI. An arrest can sometimes feel like a defeat, but that may not necessarily be the case for you. Don’t forget to exercise your constitutional rights to retain legal counsel and to remain silent in front of law enforcement.

When you are arrested for a DWI, you don’t have to say anything that you don’t feel comfortable saying without your lawyer present. The police may have less evidence on you than you have been led to believe, and your confession may be crucial to their case against you. Don’t let them bully or guilt you into admitting something. Keep asking for your lawyer, then let them speak for you. Don’t forget that you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Possible Defenses Against a DWI Charge

An arrest for a DWI charge can feel like the end of the world. You may initially be reluctant to fight it, as you may not be aware that you can. It’s understandable to feel this way, but you shouldn’t let it fester. An experienced DWI lawyer can help you take a stand and challenge the charges being made against you with a strong defense strategy. You may have multiple things working in your favor.

Here are some of the possible defenses against a DWI charge in Brooklyn:

  • Prueba de sobriedad sobre el terreno: When you are pulled over for a suspected DWI, the arresting officer will likely have you take a series of field sobriety tests to see how drunk you really are. If these tests are not administered correctly, they can result in false positives and inaccurate results that could really hurt your case. Your lawyer may be able to argue against the arresting officer’s competency when it comes to administering field sobriety tests.
  • Bad Breathalyzer: Like the field sobriety tests, the results of a breathalyzer test are not always reliable. They, too, have to be administered correctly, and if done incorrectly, they can result in incorrect results that show you were drunk when you may not have been. If the tests are stored incorrectly, the results can be messed up. Your lawyer may be able to argue that these tests are not as reliable as one might think.

Brooklyn DWI Law FAQs

P: ¿Pierde su licencia inmediatamente después de un DWI en Nueva York?

A: Yes, your driver’s license is immediately suspended after you are arrested for a DWI in New York. You generally will lose your license at your arraignment, which will be your first of several court appearances. If losing your license will cause you problems with work or school, you may be able to apply for a hardship license.

Q: How Bad Is a DWI in New York?

A: If you are charged with a DWI in New York, the consequences could be severe. You could incur hefty fines, lengthy prison sentences, and a revocation of your driver’s license, among other penalties. The severity of the consequences you face will be dependent on your prior DWI conviction record, the details of your specific case, and whether or not there were aggravating factors present.

Q: Can You Enter a Plea Bargain for a DWI in New York?

A: Yes, it is possible to enter a plea bargain for a DWI in New York, provided the prosecution is open to negotiation. In a plea bargain, you agree to plead guilty to a lesser charge, such as reckless driving, to avoid the full penalty of a DWI conviction. A plea bargain is much more likely for first offenders who have cooperated with the police and did not cause a serious accident.

Q: How Many DWIs Can You Have Before You Lose Your License Permanently?

A: Generally, you could face a permanent loss of your driver’s license following three or more convictions for a DWI or other drug-related driving convictions within a period of 25 years. In New York, they call this the “Forfeit After Four” policy. After five years of having no driver’s license, you can request a waiver from the DMV, but there are no guarantees that it will be approved.

Póngase en contacto con un abogado de DWI hoy

A DWI conviction has the power to completely change your life for the worse. When you get a criminal record, you will lose a lot of opportunities, and people may start to see you differently. To avoid a criminal conviction, you should consider hiring an experienced DWI lawyer who can help you figure out a defense strategy and make sure you aren’t taken advantage of.

El equipo jurídico de Greco Neyland, PC, understands how difficult it can be to navigate a DWI charge. We can help you build up your case, gather evidence that supports you, and protect your interests. Póngase en contacto con nosotros to speak with a team member about a consultation.

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